Larousse - The ultimate dictionary. Includes synonyms and conjugation.
Bescherelle - This website provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of french conjugation, and includes a variety of games and quizzes at different levels. It also has a conjugation generator which details every tense, form and ending for the verb typed in the search bar.
FrancaisFacile - a website that helps you learn and practice conjugation and grammar through exercises of various difficulty. It’s good for all levels from beginner to advanced.
TV5 Monde: Apprendre le francais - helps you learn french through videos, workshops and games.
BBC guide to learning French from news - has a wide array of media and tools to help you learn French from French news, TV and radio.
TV5 Monde: Accueil-bibliotheque - library of books that allows you to download pdf versions of any book you search for. It’s entirely free and wonderful for literature. - website dedicated to french history which includes articles, timelines, news and more.