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Manage sources and generate citations with this free tool.

Downloading Zotero

1. Start on Zotero's website

2. On the Zotero homepage, click the red button in the center that says 'Download'

Zotero homepage with Download button circled

3. Install the desktop and web extension

What you see will depend on what type of browser you are using. Zotero works with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

Safari does support Zotero, but it can be glitchy. If you are using Safari, you will not need to click a separate install button for the connector. However, you may encounter some issues later on when using Zotero with Safari, so we recommend the other browsers if possible.

Zotero installation for Mac and Safari

4. Register for a Zotero account to make sure everything syncs!

Zotero registration page

Downloading Word Processor Plugins

Zotero works with Microsoft Word and Google Docs to create insert in-text citations and bibliographies into your work. 

If you don't see the plugins, close and reopen your Word/Google Doc document.