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Oxy Resources (requires login)

Historical Newspapers on Microform

Not all databases provide the entire range of a newspaper's publication dates. Sometimes, you will need to access older articles on microfilm (film reels) or microform (transparent cards). Oxy has a number of newspapers on microform, some of which are listed below. The microfilm reading machine is located on the main floor of the Academic Commons.

Finding Historical Newspapers on Microform through ILL

Microform of newspapers not at Oxy can be ordered via Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

1. Search for the title of the newspaper in OxyOneSearch

2. Go to the filter on the left side of the page "Resource Type" and click the box to the left of "Newspapers."

3. Open the record for the newspaper that contains microfilm or microform

4. Click Get it for me from other libraries.  This should automatically take you to the Interlibrary Loan request page.  If not, then follow the instructions in the ILL guide.

Web Resources

NOTE: Many of these websites link to external sites, some which may have expired domains.