In order to make your research trip as successful as possible, there are a few steps you should take before you go. These steps will help ensure that you will have access to relevant materials, be able to make the best use of your time, and benefit from the expertise of the archivist, curator, or other staff you encounter.
Keep in mind that Archives and Special Collections are not "open stacks". In contrast to being able to walk into Oxy's Library and search the shelves in the Tiers for what you want, you will need to request items you wish to consult at the Archive or Special Collections Library ahead of time. How far in advance you must request items varies. This could be anywhere from 1-2 days to a week or two (sometimes longer) in advance. On occasion, you can request items onsite, but this is not the standard.
Making Initial Contact is a Good Idea
Policies and Procedures to Use Materials
Policies and procedures can vary widely from one repository to another. Check the website for specific details or contact the repository for information about accessing and using its collections. Below are a few general guidelines.