The following is a brief introduction to the more commonly used features in StoryMaps and will help you get your feet wet before you start creating your own.
If you want more detailed instruction, please contact us at or take a look at the Tutorials tab in this guide!
Note: On the lower left side of the StoryMaps homepage, there are some helpful quick links to tutorials, project galleries, and more!
For practice, choose the "start from scratch" option. StoryMaps autosaves frequently, and there are also undo/redo buttons in the upper left corner of the page.
Text is the most common way to begin a StoryMap. Text can be added anywhere throughout your StoryMap.
Click on the next plus sign in your story to view the menu. Under Media, you'll see Swipe and Timeline. Under Immersive, you'll see Sidecar and Map Tour. These all provide multimedia formats. They can be useful for making a presentation within your story or providing a guided tour for the viewers.
There are three useful features in the upper right corner of the story building page:
Design allows you to change the look and feel of your whole story.
Preview allows you to view how your StoryMap will look to readers on a desktop/laptop computer, tablet, or mobile phone.
Publish allows you to make choices about sharing your StoryMap.