Combines GenderWatch, Ethnic NewsWatch and AltPressWatch into one platform focusing on ethnic, minority, and native presses, grassroots newspapers and magazines, and journals, news and newsletters focusing on gender and sexuality.
Offers an in-depth look at the history of race through essays, articles, reports, and other reliable sources while providing critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness.
Full-text archive of high-impact academic journals in many disciplines. The archive does NOT include recent issues (generally begins with the first journal issue and stops 3 to 5 years ago). Browse journals by discipline or by title, and search articles by keyword.
Index to "literature on the left. With a primary emphasis on politically and culturally engaged scholarship inside and outside the academy."
Information on social issues including articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, interactive maps, videos, and streaming audio.
A nonpartisan fact tank that publishes public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis, and other data-driven social science research.
Collection of Open Access e-books focused on Gender Studies topics, including gender development, environment and gender, women's suffrage, gender and the law, sexual & gender identity disorders, gender in culture and society, gender politics, and sport and gender.
Not sure where to start? Found an article, but not sure how to access the full text of it? Need a book that we don't have at Oxy? Reach out to a librarian, we're happy to help! We can help you track down that article, walk you through the research process, help you find and evaluate useful sources, and more!