Links to curated collections from various publishers and organizations:
LitCovid: Curated Literature Hub from NCBI: PubMed references about COVID-19.
World Health Organization coronavirus global research database
Clinical Trials Relating to COVID-19 from
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: Coronavirus Resources: topics relating to COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2.
PubMed Central Coronavirus & COVID-19 Collections: Collection of coronavirus-related publications and associated data deposited by over 50 publishers.
Links to Open Access COVID-19 Collections:
CDC Data Tracker: Maps, charts, and data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
WHO Situation reports: Weekly updates by the WHO.
Johns Hopkins COVID data tracking: The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (CRC) is a continuously updated source of COVID-19 data and expert guidance. They aggregate and analyze the best data available on COVID-19, including cases, as well as testing, contact tracing and vaccine efforts. Data collection ended in March 2023.
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation - IHME (University of Washington): IHME's COVID-19 projections were developed in response to requests from the University of Washington School of Medicine and other US hospital systems and state governments working to determine when COVID-19 would overwhelm their ability to care for patients. The forecasts show demand for hospital services, daily and cumulative deaths due to COVID-19, rates of infection and testing, and the impact of social distancing, organized by country and state (for select locations). This is now an archive as the modeling was paused as of 12/16/2022.
COVID-19 Data Portal: The COVID-19 Data Portal is synchronised with COVID-19-related data and scientific literature held in EMBL-EBI's data resources, including ENA, UniProt, PDBe, EMDB, Expression Atlas and Europe PMC. The data continue to grow in diversity and volume and include sequences, structures, expression data, compound screens, biochemistries and scientific publications.
Covid Act Now: Covid Act Now is a multidisciplinary team of technologists, epidemiologists, health experts, and public policy leaders working to provide disease intelligence and data analysis on COVID in the U.S.
Caption: Transmission electron microscopic image of an isolate from the first U.S. case of COVID-19, formerly known as 2019-nCoV. The spherical viral particles, colorized blue, contain cross-sections through the viral genome, seen as black dots.